Abstractions of Existence: 30 Writing Prompts


Fall into the black, inky ether to see what your pen scoops up to reveal. What can be found between the wrinkles of time and space? What might be born, created, or lost in the liminal? These prompts enable you to drop deep into the mystery, with moments of grounding, like guideposts between worlds.

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Fall into the black, inky ether to see what your pen scoops up to reveal. What can be found between the wrinkles of time and space? What might be born, created, or lost in the liminal? These prompts enable you to drop deep into the mystery, with moments of grounding, like guideposts between worlds.

Fall into the black, inky ether to see what your pen scoops up to reveal. What can be found between the wrinkles of time and space? What might be born, created, or lost in the liminal? These prompts enable you to drop deep into the mystery, with moments of grounding, like guideposts between worlds.

This set of 30 writing prompts is curated to journey you through a particular plain of your interior landscape. 

All prompts are written by me (Amanda Aileen Fisher).

Each prompt is the beginning of a sentence that drops you into your story, activating the inner voice and the stories that are alive inside you. Prompts can take you into styles of writing you have never before explored, uncovering characters and tales that lie deep within. And you do it all in a way that feels effortless. The prompt wakes up the writing and it flows out. You just catch it with the page. 

Download to write whenever and wherever you want. Turn the page (on your device/phone) and move at your own pace. Read the prompt and then begin. After your purchase, you will receive your digital file for download. You can always access the file through your email.

All prompts are written by me (Amanda Aileen Fisher).

How to Use the Package: 

Get into your writing space. Open and read your next prompt and begin. Write for at least 10 minutes (or as long as you’d like) and go where the pen moves you.

You can:

  1. Write the prompt at the top of your page and keep going. 

  2. Read the prompt and just start writing. Maybe the prompt appears as a sentence somewhere further down in your writing. 

  3. Maybe the prompt appears nowhere on your page at all, but simply gets your mind and pen moving. The point is that it prompts you. It is a starting point.

Self trust is involved. You must not peek at what is coming. The key is that you read the prompt and immediately start writing, jumping right into what just got activated. (If you look ahead, you will be diluting your experience and what you’re able to get out of it.)

Should you connect your prompted writing each day? You certainly can. Some people do. Some people don’t. Some people do sometimes. Write whatever comes. And just write. That’s the important thing.

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